Sunday, September 15, 2013

MAGYK by Angie Sage

I read a lot in this book called MAGYK since I last posted :) and this is what I read:

A hunter is sent to track the princess (Jenna) and bring her to his master (Dom Daniel, an evil wizard with dark MAGYK just like Voldemort) They just barely escape and go to Aunt Zelda's house on the lake with Boy 412. Boy 412 finds a ring that helps him do MAGYK spells easier. Jenna's dad goes to her mom to find his son that was "lost in the woods" apparently, and he finds out its not true. They are trying to find out a plan to get Jenna as the queen.

That's all I read.

I read 335/564


  1. This book is amazing, Kristina, good luck on the book report! :D

  2. This book is amazing, Kristina, good luck on the book report! :D

  3. Sorry, that was my other account!

  4. What is the setting of the story?

  5. Amazing book. Maybe next time you could add the setting and a picture. Best of luck on your book report.
